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Public Relations News
Public Relations News: Managing Expectations

By Terri Fassio, CT State Public Relations Co-Director

  July 1, 2020 --

Our Granges are comprised of members from all walks of life, and varied professions. In most cases, they joined because they want to contribute to the organization in a meaningful way and make a difference in their communities. Some Grange members are looking for personal benefits, such as networking opportunities, leadership experience, and even social interaction, friendships and fellowship.

Are your Grange meetings and discussions progressive and constructive? Do Grange members get along? Do their attributes and skills complement each other?

Since Granges consist of different types of people, all wanting different things, setting up and communicating clear expectations is a good idea for all involved. Grange members should be aware of their roles and responsibilities towards each other as well as to the organization.

Keeping this in mind:

  • Always be an ambassador for the values, mission and vision of the Grange as a whole.
  • Stay up to date and informed. One way to do this is through attendance at meetings (be it virtual or in person.). Also, Granges should look at alternate ways of communicating with members - ranging from Facebook and social media, email, newsletters, and reminder mailings, to even the old-fashioned phone call.

• Frequently remind all members of the Grange’s connection to the community on each of the levels - local, regional (Pomona), State and National.

  • Support  the  charitable operations/projects of the Grange.
  • Work in partnership with and respect the authority of the Grange’s leadership and staff.
  • Be mindful of the time commitment required by members.
  • Agree to step down from a position if unable to fulfill the office for the greater good of the organization, without negativity.

It is important to communicate these basic expectations to the membership.

One thing that needs to be remembered is that our members are volunteers, many of whom may have little experience with this type of organization. For many Grange members, being in a leadership or management role may not come naturally. Yet at the same time, others have held positions of leadership, as well as having experience with public speaking, or managing groups/teams of people. Teach new members how the organization functions. Give all members a refresher on the duties, responsibilities and roles of each office. (Contact the State Grange Secretary for a guidebook to help.)

When membership roles are defined, tasks can be accomplished keeping the core mission of the Grange always in sight.

This quote from Patricia Hudson of the Melos Institute sums it up - “Working with a volunteer team that constantly changes presents real challenges. What is remarkable about most volunteers, however, is their desire to be effective. Yet over the years, we might just be pushing them away rather than tapping their potential… and giving them an enriched experience. People choose how they spend their time. The more we focus on leadership training and development, the more confident they become… and the more we can expect great things from our volunteers.”

When everyone understands their role in the Grange, knows what is expected of them, and has the necessary skills - either through training, development or by intrinsic knowledge, they function at peak performance, both individually and as a member of the group. Sometimes all that is needed is a jumpstart in order to get things moving in the right direction.

Effective communication is key, and a critical factor in improving the Grange’s effectiveness as an organization. In order to successfully serve the interests of its members,  each Grange and their membership needs to be well connected and have its collective finger on the pulse of the organization as a whole.

If you or your Grange needs assistance, please contact the Public  Relations  Committee. We’re here to help!  Email: publicrelations@ctstategrange.org or   information@ctstategrange.org.

Sources: www.wildapricot.com and www.managementhelp.org



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