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Legislatively Speaking
Legislatively Speaking: State and National Legislative Action

By Alma Graham, CT State Grange Legislative Director

  December 1, 2019 --

Thank you everyone who sub- mitted resolutions to the Connecticut State Grange Annual Session. We had a nice variety of topics to discuss. We ended up with 37 resolutions covering topics including environmental concerns, Grange processes and safety concerns.

Four resolutions were sent on to National Grange for their consideration.

Resolution # 16, School Bus Safety: this resolution recommends placing cameras on the stop “arms” of school busses. This will record the license plate of any vehicle that ignores the stop sign and passes the bus while the arm is extended. National Grange likes this resolution but did not vote on it but will be adding it to their annual policy book.

Resolution #28, Support for Family Farms: while National Grange did like the thought of this resolution, they did not feel that the resolution was specific enough in its whereas. This resolution was withdrawn. Hopefully this can be rewritten with better definitions and submitted again next year.

Resolution # 20, Sale of Grange Property: this resolution has been submitted to National Grange be- fore. Presently when a Grange sells its property, the Grange only gets $1000.00 from the sale with the rest going into an escrow in the Granges name. The Grange then received a yearly interest payment on the principal. This resolution would have increased the amount that the Grange would receive to $10,000. The session committee at National rewrote this to reduce the amount to $5,000 but then the dele- gates rejected the resolution.

Resolution #32, Removal of Public Monuments Memorializing No- table People; this resolution states that  the  Grange  “stands  in  support of American citizens that have made overall positive contributions to the culture of the Unites States of America in their lifetime.” It also supports the maintenance of these monuments in their public spaces. This resolution was passed at Na- tional Grange and is part of their policy.

There were a few resolutions that the delegates did like the in- tent of the resolution but were concerned about the wording of the re- solved. One was the overhaul of the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles. This is something that should be looked at again. We did reject two resolution on tolls, one on the opposition of tolls and the other supporting tolls in Connecticut. Present Connecticut State Grange policy is that the Grange urges that revenue collected from the fuel taxes be returned to the transportation fund for improving roads and bridges before considering tolls on major state highways.



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