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President's Message
President's Message: Educating & Elevating America

By Noel T. Miller, CT State Grange President

  February 7, 2018 --

Attend to every duty promptly, and keep constantly before the minds of the members the important fact that the great object, and the crowning glory, of our organization is to ‘EDUCATE AND ELEVATE THE AMERICAN FARMER.

I found this in the Manual of the Subordinate Grange in a section called “Helpful Facts to be Remembered.”

I bring this forward to remind all of us what our founders had in mind when they founded this great organization. We all should take a little time to re-read these Manuals to help us remember what the Grange is all about. I have been a Grange member for 43 years and have never seen this passage until a snowy day in January 2018. 

The Farm Bureau held its National Convention and I watched their programs with interest. They had President Trump speak about the things he has done for our American Farmers, with cut-backs on regulations, trade, and the tax cut for estate taxes. But he seems more interested in Big Tractors, Big Equipment, Good cheap food. Yet our dairy farmers in New England are struggling with decreased milk prices, increased operating costs in feed, transportation, property taxes, health care, insurance. We need a Farm Bill that puts money back into farmer’s pockets, helps reduce farm debt and bring back fair trade deals for all. If not we will lost more farmers in New England. I am in favor of honest regulations because I believe in clean air and pure water and productive soil for our future generations.

The Heating and Air Handling system at the National Grange Headquarters is being installed. Insurance and loans are funding this huge project which had to be done.

The California State Grange litigation is still going on as more of McFarland’s motions are being overruled or thrown out. We hope the end is near.

The National Grange Junior Department has a new Pen Pal program for Junior Grangers. Check the web page for information and details.

Since the weather has been chilly I hope that members are knitting and sewing items for the New England Grange Building at the Big E. We are looking for ideas on how we can promote the New England Grange Building during the off season to show the Big E we are alive and well. Any ideas, contact me.

Reminder that the

Blue Book is a two year publication, so all contests and entries are in the Blue Book (unless additional information has been provided by the committees since its publication). Last year we had very few entries in the Community Grange Honor Grange program, check out the requirements to receive this honor.

March 16, 2018 is Ag Day at the State Capitol. This is the time we go and display Grange activities, and meet our Legislators and Governor.

Check out the National Grange website for many items that are downloadable since they are scaling back on printing costs. Also check with the State Secretary for items that are available at the office. We are getting furniture back from closed Granges if you are looking for Grange items, contact your State Master for items available.

Reminder to all Granges that before you decide to turn in your Charter, you must contact the State

Master and follow the Digest before closing your Grange. I am not looking to close any more Granges, for we are not in the real estate business!!

Our community functions are the shining star of the Grange. We must advertise what we do to the outside so they can see that we are not just a vacant hall in town.

We still have grants available for new community service projects, check out the applications and sign-up today.

Reminder to all that Valentine’s Day is the day that supports Agriculture, flowers, chocolate, fine dining, wine, so show the one you love how much you support our farmers and enjoy the day. XOXO.



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