Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Legislatively Speaking
Legislatively Speaking: Budget Passed... Sort Of

By Alma Graham, CT State Grange Legislative Director

  October 9, 2017 --

As of this writing our country has been hit with multiple hurricanes leaving quite a few States and United States territories with considerable damage. Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico were especially hit hard by these hurricanes. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the areas affected. Fortunately the U.S. House and Senate worked together releasing emergency funds for the areas affected. It is going to take many years to fully recover from these disasters.

We have seen our government, businesses and citizens pitching in to help these affected areas. The National Guard has been sent to the different areas to assist with rescue and security. Different organizations and businesses have collected items to send to the affected areas. Truckers have donated their trucks to transport these items. The cruise industry has assisted in rescuing people from some of the hard hit islands. Many fund raisers have happened to assist the affected areas through the Red Cross and other agencies. Most of us probably know someone who was affected by the storms.

Isn’t it great to see our country working together! Now it would be nice to see the government continue working together to move bills along and obtain common goals.

Connecticut has finally passed a budget, but as of this time it was up in the air if the Governor would sign it. The Republicans managed to pass a budget for the first time in many years with the help of a few Democrats. There were some good things about this budget but there are also many questionable sections. The State Universities were quite upset over this budget and have been lobbying hard to have the Governor veto it. UCONN is threating closures of campuses and eliminating some financial aid for students. The states employee union contracts are also in play again with this budget with a provision that all future state union contracts require legislative approval. Hopefully all sides can get together and work out their differences. If there is no budget approved by October 1st then Governor Malloy’s cuts will have taken effect.


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