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President's Message
President's Message: Core Values of Our Grange

By Noel Miller, CT State Grange President

  May 9, 2017 --

When I became your State Master the State Executive Committee presented “Values of the Connecticut State Grange: Honesty, Community, Charity, Integrity, Friendship and Citizenship.” These values are the core of our Grange.  We have used these values as reasons to join the Grange in our membership drives. These values help explain our story as to what the Grange is all about. Yet we have witnessed that when these values are not followed our Grange is challenged by outsiders who say we have hypocrisy in our Order. We must follow the verses of the “Sifting Song” of the Second Degree. “And while you’re sifting don’t forget, to always sift yourself.” The Grange is a family, we work as a team and no one is better than anyone else. We are all equals. Our halls are sacred spaces and should never be used for unwanted activities by its members. The National Grange Digest has rules for proper use of the halls. If there are questions, please call me as to what to do. Members that don’t follow the rules should be held accountable for their misuse or the mistrust of their actions. If we don’t and lose the trust of the community (non-Grangers), it may never be regained. How many times have we seen when a dinner falls short? The next time we witness a decline in support.

This year the Pomona Granges will have inspections to help determine the Honor Grange Awards. The Community Granges will not have inspections due to the lack of Deputies. This year a survey has been sent to the Community Granges. Fill them out and return them by July 1 and you will be fine. If you don’t return them, then a visit to one of your meetings will be scheduled with a deputy or State Officers. They will be looking to see that you are following the guidelines of the Grange.

We remind all Granges that Quarterly Reports are due each quarter and Granges two quarters behind are at risk of losing their Charters. Late payments are also subject to a $25.00 late charge per quarter.

Camp Berger is the jewel of the Connecticut State Grange. This is our 61st season and the Camp Directors Lyn and Chris Kimberly have done wonders to our Camp. Many improvements and upgrades have been made to the Camp with more for the future. Community Granges that wish to donate camperships are reminded that the fee is $400 per campership. Please don’t short change a camper the chance for a memorable time at our Camp.

The Big E is just around the corner and anyone that wants to participate in the Grange Day Parade or work in the New England Grange Building, let me know. I need a list of names of people attending and working at the Big E. This list needs to be in by June 1. Grange Day is Sept. 24th this year. It is our 150th Celebration of the Grange. There will be prizes for the State that has the most marchers in the parade.

This year during Grange month, our Community Granges have done many activities to welcome the public into our organization and I thank you all for the hard work that everyone does to promote our beloved Grange. Keep up the good work and remember “Sift out fair virtue, love and truth, from envy, hate, and strife, and make your sifting tell.”

Happy Mother’s Day!


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