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Around The Grange
July News from Ekonk Community Grange

By Sue Gray

  July 11, 2017 --

Ekonk was thrilled with the article in the Spring 2017 “Good Day” about our fundraiser for 12 year old Sterling 6th grader Kaycee Chester and her continuing battle with cancer. Kaycee truly is an inspiration to all who meet her, with her beautiful smile and positivity! Our Junior Grange held a “May Calendar” fundraiser and added $1,600.00 to the list of donations from our Grange/Junior Grange/ Sterling Girl Scouts to Kaycee and family.

Our May roast beef supper raised just under $1,000.00 which Link Cooper and Paulette Craig delivered to Bill Czmyr, head of the Jewett City “Home for Homeless Veterans”. This has been an annual project since the facility was dedicated in 2012. We were so pleased to donate $1,625.00 to the 2017 Relay for Life—profits from our Grange food booth held at the event at Brooklyn Fairgrounds.

We held a “Food Safety” class at our Grange in June, which was well attended and all attendees left certified for another 5 years. Our Grange booth at Brooklyn fairgrounds needs some plumbing and carpentry attention before Fair season and it was voted to allot $1,000.00 for this purpose. Members will provide the labor.

Election of officers found Link Cooper elected as President. We are so pleased that several newer members will be Installed as officers in the fall. As our ritual says, “new ideas are the materials with which progress is made!”

We at Ekonk are “Do’ers” and will continue to make progress! Our Juniors will have spent a day hiking in Purgatory (yes that is correct). Sutton, MA has a natural cleft carved into our earth, formed way back by glacier activity.

Our Juniors will have hiked the trails and enjoyed what nature had to offer by this reading. Our Blueberry Supper will be Saturday, July 15th. Betsy Molodich has the tastiest blueberries that we bake into blueberry crisp for the dessert. The main course will be baked stuffed chicken breast.

We will be hosting the National Junior Grange Ambassador, Alexandria Jomni Tarbell in August. Washington County Fair and Ekonk Community Grange will pay travel expenses for her chaperone, Stephanie Inglis. Jomni (as she likes to be called) is an active member of East Pembroke Junior Grange in western New York. While here, Jomni will spend an entire day as guest of Washington County Fair, a day touring with Ekonk Community Junior Grangers, enjoy a Grange family picnic and hopefully, make lots of new friends in RI and CT. Our annual Grange Fair will be Sat., August 12th from 9-2.

See you around!


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