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Around The Grange
May Musings from Winchester Grange

By Todd Gelineau, Winchester Grange President

  MAY 3, 2012 --

It’s a busy season at Winchester Grange!  Conferral of all four degrees has been completed with four new members joining Winchester along with six additional new members from Taghhannuck, Beacon Valley and Eureka Granges.  It was great to see so many new members taking the degrees.  This makes 9 new members for our Grange in the last year!  Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to talk up the Grange.

Work on the latest phase of mechanical work at our hall has finally been completed.  As our kitchen is below grade, the sinks require a pump to drain water to the septic.  The previous system had a manually controlled pump that had to be switched on and off each time the sinks were used.  Of course, this type of system is not acceptable to the Torr. Area Health, so we had a new automatic pump and tank installed to prevent back-flow into the sinks.  Unfortunately, the first tank leaked and a new tank was ordered.  The second tank also leaked requiring a third.  Finally the third is working fine and the new system is up and running with a new designated handwashing sink and a new faucet for the existing sinks.  We are now looking for a commercial grade refrigerator to replace one or both of the non-commerical models we currently have.  Hopefully the Health Department will be satisfied with the improvements.

Looking ahead, we have our annual Spring Super Prize Party (Teacup Auction) at the Hall on May 4 with the doors opening at 6:00 P.M. and the drawing of prizes taking place beginning at 7:00 P.M.  A card with 26 tickets is a dollar- a great value for even more valuable prizes!

Later in the month we will hold our spring Tag Sale on May 26 with something for everyone.  We always need donations of items for the sale and hope you will join us from 9-2 that day.


May 4:  Super Prize Party, Doors Open at 6

May 8:  Remembering Mothers, Country Store, Ref. Pam & Don Fancher

May 22:  Memorial Day, Ref. Sue Addison

May 26:  Tag Sale, Grange Hall, 9 A.M. to 2 P.M.


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