Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Contests Rules and Recipes
NOTE: If you do not see the contest rules and information you are looking for here, please check the individual department section. If you still do not see the information, please contact the Director or Committee.
Program Director/Lecturer's Program:

NOTE: Program Director/Lecturers can submit their monthly Lecturer Reports and their annual Honor Lecturer Program Report to the State Lecturer either electronically to lecturer@ctstategrange.org or regular mail (P.O. Box 155, Riverton, CT 06065). 


All programs should be up to 30 minutes in length as appropriate and include music, information, participation, inspiration and humor where possible. While all programs do not have to include all of these components, they are an essential part of a Lecturer/Program Director’s program.  ZOOM programs are also acceptable and should average at least 10 minutes in length and include quizzes and other numbers that will encourage everyone on the virtual meeting to actively participate.


(In 2021-2022, seven Granges earned this award!)

CRITERIA for Community and Pomona Granges:

1. Be responsible for a suitable program at every meeting.
2. Programs should be as appropriate up to 30 minutes in length.
3. Cooperate with your Grange Committees.
4. Reports to the State Grange Lecturer/Program Director should be submitted in a timely manner.
5. Submit a request to the Connecticut State Grange Lecturer not later than September 30th that your Grange Lecturer has qualified for this award.

2023-2024 HONOR LECTURER’S AWARD . . .

(In 2021-2022, six Granges earned this award!)

CRITERIA for Community and Pomona Granges:

  1. Meet requirements for the Lecturer’s Appreciation Award listed above.
  2. Participate in at least 3 additional contests or projects (Heirloom, Photo, Complete, “Honoring Our Elders”, “A Word from Home”, or “Initiate a New Program”.
  3. Submit a Grange in Action or a Golden Grange in Action nomination to National Grange and copy the Connecticut State Grange Lecturer.
  4. Submit a request to the Connecticut State Grange Lecturer not later than September 30th that your Grange Lecturer has qualified for this award.
“HONORING OUR ELDERS” PROGRAM (formerly Should Auld Acquaintance) . . .

Provide assistance to a Convalescent, Nursing or Rest Home at least 4 times during the course of the year. May be programs, gifts, or any type of help the home requests. This should be done in the name of the Grange. If unsure whether or not you qualify, please submit your report and let us decide. Deadline for report: September 30th.

Subject for 2024 is “The Impact of Women on Grange”. The complete program should be presented at your Grange. The full program must be sent to the State Lecturer by September 30th to be considered.  Complete details of the program must be included with your submission. Length: As appropriate up to 45 minutes.
Photo Contest - Four Categories

This contest is open to all Grangers (Junior, Youth, 1+ and Grange). Judging to be held at the State Grange Family Festival in the Summer and winning photos will be displayed at the State Grange Convention and then returned to their owners.  Cash prizes (First, Second, Third) will be offered in each category.  Adults will complete in one contest and Junior, Youth and 1+ will complete in a separate contest.

The four photo categories are:

  1. Patriotism/Grange Activities
  2. Pet
  3. Landscapes
  4. Flowers


1. Only prints accepted.
2. Participants may enter all four categories, but are limited to one entry in each category. 
3. Entries must have been taken by the participant since the last State Grange judging.
4. No glass or frames are allowed on photos.
5. Print may be processed commercially, but it must have been taken by the entrant.
6. Size of photo/backing (if used): No smaller than 4”x6” or larger than 11”x14”.
7. Entrant’s name, contest category, Grange/Grange number, and phone number must be placed on the back of each entry.

A Word From Home - Letter Writing Project

Write to a service man or woman serving overseas. Let’s let our troops know that we care. These can be sent to someone from your area, you can get addresses at www.anysoldier.com. Letters must be done in the name of your Grange. Packages should also include a letter. Deadline for report: September 30th.
Initiate A New Program Contest

Why don’t you complete a needs assessment in your area and initiate a new program.  For example, you could initiate a Mental Health Awareness project, Veteran of the Month Program or a Youth Outreach Activity.  What does your area need?  If unsure whether or not you qualify, please submit your report and let us decide. Deadline for report: September 30th.
Ritual Programs

Since National Grange is over 155 years old, our Grange has developed and we now cherish many rituals over the decades.  Each Lecturer/Program Director should feature one complete program or six 5-minute numbers each year on Grange Ritual. With Granges not doing degree work it is more important than ever to educate our members on the Ritual of the Grange.
National Grange Heirloom Program

National Grange initiated a five-year program to teach members and “potential members” about the ritual, history and beliefs of the Grange. This five-year program introduces one short lesson each month, corresponding with the Degree season, and launched in March 2022 with Year A (1st Degree – Spring). These brief lessons can be presented during your normal meeting in the “Conferring Degrees” or “Good of the Order” portion.  

All of the Heirloom Program materials are currently available at bit.ly/grangeheirloom - please utilize the materials as you see fit!  National Grange will continue adding to the folder as material is complete and ready to use. Items included are the yearly pamphlets, posters, social media posts, and some suggested activities that can be distributed and completed. It also includes a handy social media sharing guide that can be easily copied-and-pasted into your social media feeds.  

Heirloom Program lessons could provide a “jumping off” point for your newsletter/magazine articles, or you could ask another officer or committee chairperson/director to reflect on the lessons in their pieces.  Encourage your local Lecturers/Program Directors to use this information not to replace the Lecturer’s program, but as a supplement elsewhere in the meeting or create discussion points for potlucks or contests. Encourage your Lecturers to work with the other officers to find a place for use, and make it a quick, regular part of your Community Grange meetings.  

Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with me, or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges.  


Agriculture / Conservation Committee:
Community and Junior Grange Member Contest

Each individual entering this contest is challenged to take a picture of themselves in the garden (your/your Grange's/others).

1. During Preparation (2 pts.)
2. Seeding (2 pts.)
3. Cultivation (2 pts.)
4. Harvest (2 pts.)

Additional points (not mandatory) will be given for pictures of you donating a portion of the harvest (3 pts.), and an additional 4 pts. for a video of you presenting a program on your experiences to your Grange.

Once again, the additional point challenges are not mandatory.

Outstanding Agricultural Young Professional Award

nominee for the Outstanding Agricultural Young Professional Award should be an individual that has demonstrated excellence in their career and is under the age of 30. They must be a Grange member and can be in any industry as long as they demonstrate leadership and professional skills. Nominations should include the following information:

Nominee: Name, Address, Phone, Email.

Nominated by: Grange Name & No., Contact Person, Phone, Email.

1. Describe the industry and position the candidate is involved in.
2. Describe the difference they have made in their industry, community and/or Grange.
3. What are the candidate's goals, including any furthering of education?

Nominations must be received no later than September 1st.

Outstanding Agricultural Professional Award

A nominee for the Outstanding Agricultural Professional Award should be an individual that has demonstrated excellence in their career. They must be a Grange member and can be in any industry as long as they demonstrate leadership and professional skills. Nominations should include the following information.

Nominee: Name, Address, Phone, Email.

Nominated by: Grange Name & No., Contact Person, Phone, Email.

1. Describe the industry and position the candidate is involved in.
2. Describe the difference they have made in their industry, community and/or Grange.
3. What are the candidate's goalsgoals, including any furthering of education?

Nominations must be received no later than September 1st.

Outstanding Agricultural Promoter Award

A nominee for the Outstanding Agricultural Promoter Award should be an individual that has demonstrated excellence in promoting, advocating for, and/or supporting agriculture in the State of Connecticut.

The candidate DOES NOT have to be a Grange member and can be in any industry as long as they demonstrate leadership and professionalism in being a promoter of Agriculture. Nominations should include the following information:

Nominee: Name, Address, Phone, Email.

Nominated by: Grange Name & No., Contact Person, Phone, Email.

1. Please describe the types of activities for promoting Agriculture the candidate is involved in.

2. Please describe the difference they have made their Community and/or Grange.

3. What are the candidate's goals, including any furthering of education?

Nominations must be received no later than September 1st.

*We STRONGLY encourage nomitations for this award to come through each of the Pomona Granges but it is not a requirement.

Family Activities Committee / CWA:

Prizes for the needlework contest at the State level will be:
 1st Place-$15.00, 2nd Place- $10.00, 3rd Place - $5.00.

Prizes for the Craft and Baking Contests at the State level will be: 
1st Place - $10.00, 2nd Place - $5.00, 3rd - Place $3.00

Every effort will be made to distribute the prize money within 30 days.

Judging will be determined and we will let you know once the August date is set for the Connecticut Family Festival.  We will be combining our contests with the Lecturer’s contests as well as a pancake breakfast provided by Hillstown Grange.

A report form is given to all Subordinate and Pomona Chairmen to detail their activities for the year.  An award will be given to those Granges achieving the goals for the year.

The State CWA/Family Activities Committee thanks you in advance for participating in the projects we have outlined and look forward to reading your year-end reports and the good works you and your Granges have done.  As Always, all that you do for CWA counts toward your Community Service report.

Northeast Region Grange Needlework Contest - 2023-2024

Open to the public, No product requirements.

There are 12 classes for competition – Afghans, doilies, embroidery, 3-piece baby set, plastic canvas, counted cross stitch, adult garment, latch hook, quilted wall hanging, stuffed toy, baby afghan and child or adult garment sewn.

There is a new craft contest for all states: One Tea Cup and One Saucer.

ALL items submitted for judging must be clean and odor free and made in the current year.

Judging at State level only.  Subordinate and Pomona judging are not required.

All first place State winners will compete at the North East finals at the Big E.

Brochures and entry forms for the North East Needlework contest may be obtained from the State Family Activities Committe, Pomona or Subordinate Chairman or can be downloaded by clicking this link: NE NEEDLEWORK BROCHURE DOWNLOAD
New Contests - 2023-2024

NEW Northeast Craft Contest:  Tea Cup – 2023-2024
One tea cup and one saucer.  Tea Cup does not have to be glued to saucer. Any design is permitted.  Judging is at the State level. Each state will send the first place winner on to the New England Grange BUilding for the North East Judging.

Decorate a bird house Contest – 2023-2024

Decorate any birdhouse with any material such as buttons, fabric, paint, etc.  Judging is at State level only. This contest is for Connecticut only and will not go on to North East Judging. This item will be returned.
Craft Contests - 2023-2024

The Craft Contest Theme for 2023-2024 is “Let’s make a Snowman”. Judging will be at State level only.

            There are 2 categories: Needlework and Other medium.
            There will be Adult and Youth class in each category.

Craft entries will not be returned (there are no exceptions). They are retained by the State CWA/Family Activities Committee to be distributed at their discretion.

Open to Grange members, children, grand-children of members and Junior Grange members.

This is open to non-Grange members as well.

Grange Baking Contest - 2023-2024:

Open to Grange members, children, grand-children of members and Junior Grange members.

Submit five (5) on a plate. Put your name and Grange on the back of the plate. Judging for the baking contest is held at the State level only, no Subordinate or Pomona judging is necessary.

VIsit the Recipes Page for details: RECIPES PAGE LINK

Junior Grange Program: Needlework / Junior Baking

NEEDLEWORK CONTEST:  The Juniors will use the same contest as the adults but will be judged separately.

BAKING CONTEST: The Juniors will use the same recipe as the adults but will be judged separately.

CRAFT CONTEST:  The Juniors will use the same contest as the adults but will be judged separately

ALL Junior entries for all contests are at State level only.

All entries must be clean and odor free.  
Prizes will be -1st Place - $5.00, 2nd Place - $3.00, 3rd Place - $2.00

National Grange 2023 Quilt Block Contest

Split Back Star Block

  • STEP 1: STAR POINTS: With 2 red and 2 blue 4 ½" squares, sew a 2 ½" white square to one corner. Cut¼" off the sew line and press towards the white. Sew the 4 remaining 2 ½" squares to the other side of the color, cut¼" off sew line and press towards the white. These 4 units will make your star points.
  • STEP 2: HST's: With a 5" red and a 5" blue square. Place right sides together, draw a line diagonally and sew¼" on each side of the line. Cut on the draw line and iron. Square both HST units to 4 ½".
  • STEP 3: ASSEMBLE BLOCK: You will now have 9 squares, each measuring 4 ½". Assemble in 9 patch style to create your QOV Split Back Star.

    Questions? Email lecturer@nationalgrange.org for guidance.


The Quilt Block Contest provides an opportunity for Grange members and friends to collaborate in creating quilted items that can be donated or auctioned for funds to provide additional services to community members in a nationwide effort.

A. The National Grange Quilt Block Contest is open to everyone.

B. All contest entries must be received by the National Grange Lecturer by September 1, 2024.

C. Any entries received after the deadline will not be judged. However, all entries received will be exhibited at the 158th National Grange convention in Bettendorf, Iowa.

D. The quilt block you enter in the contest for judging must be made by you.

E. There is no limit on the number of quilt blocks a person may submit, but choose one quilt block per person to be judged.

F. All entries will be retained by the National Grange to be made into finished quilts and other items to be sold at a later date.

G. A 2024 Quilt Block Contest Entry Form must be completed for the block to be judged.


  • Group I – Adult (Age 14+)

  • Group II – Junior (Age 13 and under)


  • Monetary prizes will be awarded for 1st ($50), 2nd ($30), and 3rd ($20) place in each Group.

  • Ribbons will be awarded to all entries.

Finished Quilt Block Sample:

Step 1  
Step 2 Step 3

Public Relations Committee:
Celebrate A Holiday

Whether you’re celebrating Easter, Christmas, Flag Day or even Chocolate Chip Cookie Lover's Day, holidays can be fun to explore, and base themed Grange events, and even a Grange program, on.  Whether your Grange has in-person, virtual, or hybrid celebrations, it means thinking outside of the box to show the impact of your Grange when utilizing holiday themes.

This is a great opportunity to highlight your Grange’s holiday achievements, raise awareness of your Grange's mission, thank your members and community, and reveal exciting updates about your future holiday plans.

Submit a detailed written plan on how your Grange celebrated with a Holiday theme, and promoted your Grange through an event, program or more. Then write a synopsis of a your Grange's celebration (must be held within the last year).  The holiday celebrated is the choice of the Grange.  There are no Holiday restrictions.

There will be three categories —

1.  Grange Holiday Events

2.  Grange Holiday Programs

3.  Other Grange Holiday Celebration

Submissions should be detailed and not just an abbreviated list, and there is no length restriction.  Photos, clippings, and social media and website screenshots are encouraged.  Submissions must include the category, Grange name and number, number of years hosting this celebration (i.e. first year or 50 years), and the name, phone number and email of person submitting the entry.

Email your Grange's submission to publicrelations@ctstategrange.org.  You can also USPS mail the submission to Robert Charbonneau, 102 Spring Street, Meriden, CT 06451. 

Deadline is October 1st.

Junior Grange Program:
Program Theme 2023-2024: "Reimagine Junior Grange!"

The judging for the Big E contests to be announced.

Blue Book Contest Rules:

  • All work must be done by Junior Member
  • All entries must be labeled with the contestant's name, affiliated Grange
    Or Junior Grange and age as of January 1st that contest year – Ages 5-14
  • All entries to be sent to the State Session in October and must be in place in the Junior Grange / Hospitality room by 12:00 noon on Friday.
  • On most of the contest there are no specific rules, use your imagination and have fun making them.
  • The Judging for the Regional Craft (Big E) contest will be held during "Family Festival".


Regional Craft (Big E) Contest - 2024 TBD

Creative Writing - on an 8.5" x 11" paper:
2024- Write about a new activity you want to do with the Grange!

Decorate Something!
2024- Decorate a rock(s)- using paint, glue or any material- any style- no larger than 8"x10" piece of paper

• Creative Arts Contests
A.  Ages 5-9 –Draw a picture of yourself doing your favorite Grange activity
B.  Ages 10-14 –Create a TikTok- about your favorite Grange / Jr. Grange Activity or event

• Photography - 5 categories as indicated below- each contestant can have one entry per category - all pictures must be 4x6 or 5x7 or 8x10 in size. They do not have to be matted or framed.

5a - Show us Legislative
5b - Show us Agriculture
5c - Show us Deaf Awareness / Health
5d - Show us Community Service
5e - Show us Junior Grangers having fun

If anyone is interested in participating in the National Contests for Public Speaking or Sign-A-Song, please contact someone on the State Junior Committee by October 1st so contests can be held at the State level during State Session. TikTok rules and link information will be provided via Connecticut Granger and/or the CT State Grange e-newsletter.


~National Grange Contests~
Theme: “Raised Right Here" - 2024

With the Junior Grange +1 Program, we can ensure members are
eligible for Junior Grange activities.

For the National Contests: - See Rule book for all details – www.nationaljuniorgrange.org

  • Creative Writing Contest: 
  • Mini-Scrap Book Contest
  • Creative Art Contest
  • JG Photography Contest
  • Super JG Award
  • Junior Recruiter Award
  • Public Speaking –Nat’l  Level
  • Sign-A-Song – National Level
  • Community Service
  • Cape of Honor Award
  • Jr. Granger at Heart
  • Fun and Games
  • Digital Talent
  • Quilt Block
  • Grange Baseball
  • Handy Craft
  • History & Knowledge test
  • Junior Mentor Award
  • Grange in Action

For more information CT Junior Chairpersons and Committee Members.


Youth Program:
Youth Contests:

Book Club

Watch for more information on book of the month and meeting times. Something new for everyone “Young at Heart,” is our Monthly Book Club starting in 2024.

Grange Display

Below are the contest rules for entry into the National Grange Display Contest. Your Connecticut State Grange Youth Team would like to see all entries in to the State Youth Director by September 15 for judging at the State level.

The goal of the Grange Display Contest is to create either a digital or folding display that could be utilized at a country fair, library, Grange open house or other forum to promote the Grange, Grange program or Grange issue.

Please notify the State Director by August 1, of any entries.

Contest Rules:

1) All entrants must be youth adult members of a Subordinate/ Community Grange.

2) There will be two age divisions of the Folding Display Contest:
Youth - Grange members between the ages of 14-21 as of Jan. 1
Young Adult - Grange members between the ages of 22-35.

3) Each entry must be selected at a State Grange level contest. Each state may send up to one entry per category to the National contest. The display theme must be Grange related.

4) Each entry must be exhibited at the National Grange Session; members need not attend to participate.

5) A Grange member may enter as an individual OR as a member of a group. All group entry members must be in the same age division.

6) Folding Displays should be no larger than 3’ x 4’ and should be able to stand by itself. Digital displays must be on a flash drive and in .MP4, .MPG, WMA format.

7) Displays will be judged on content, organization, originality, and neatness.

There are many opportunities for Youth to participate in the following contest. Please check out the link on our web page to download the National Grange Youth Program Guide for more information and contact the CT State Grange Youth Director to help you explore these programs:

Grange Inter-State Youth Exchange (GISYE)
Washington, D.C. Experience
Grange Grassroots Activism Scholarship
Youth Community Service Award/Application
Junior Mentor Award/Application
Youth Membership Recruitment Award
and to apply to be part of the National Grange Youth Officer Team.

The following Youth Contests are held at Regional Conferences:
Grange Baseball, Regional Public Speaking Competition, Regional Sign- A-Song Competition. Contact CT State Grange Youth Director at least a month prior to the scheduled Northeast Regional Youth Conference if you wish to participate.

© 2024 The Connecticut State Grange. All Rights Reserved.